Do You Ever Doubt Yourself?

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I’m on a plane on the way home from a conference. This week, I heard the same message over and over again “You are so confident … people are drawn to you”.


The truth is that I don’t always feel confident. I experience self-doubt daily. Sometimes the “not good enough” voice is so loud that I’m surprised I get anything done at all!


So how do I project this magnetic confidence and attract what I want in my life and business?


I have a secret to share with you.


First we need to embrace the doubt. It has a purpose is to protect us and keep us safe. But in order to move to the next level, we can’t play it safe.   We must take risks, be unreasonable and be uncomfortable.


What stops us in life is not the doubt. It’s the action we take or the action we avoid.


Do we give up or do we push through? Lose our mojo? Stay in our comfort zone and hide? Ignore our negative thoughts and keep going?


Tina Fey, an actress, comedian, writer and producer, confessed that she sometimes screams in her head, “I’m a fraud! They’re on to me!”


Sheryl Sandberg, bestselling author of Lean In and the COO of Facebook said, “I still face situations that I fear are beyond my qualifications. I still have days when I feel like a fraud.”


Sonia Sotomayor, the first Latina Supreme Court Justice in U.S. history, was too embarrassed to ask questions while at Princeton University and said, “I’m always looking over my shoulder to see if I measure up.”


Kobe Bryant said, “I have self-doubt. I have insecurity. I have fear of failure. I have nights when I show up in the arena and I’m like, ‘My back hurts, my feet hurt, my knees hurt, I don’t have it. I just want to chill.’


Meryl Streep gets cold feet before every performance and says, “I don’t know how to act anyway so why am I doing this?”


When doubt ourselves, we diminish our abilities and decrease our chances of success.


We lose confidence. We lose faith.


The ultimate danger of thinking we are not good enough is that we start believing it. We think that little voice in our head is telling the truth.


So how do we crush our doubts and ignite our confidence?


The answer is easy.


Feel the doubt and take the action anyway


It’s really that simple.


Act in the face of self-doubt.  


Action ignites your confidence.


When you take action, you get results and you build confidence. When you are paralyzed with doubt and fear, you lose confidence.


Doubt is created from old thoughts and limiting beliefs from the past. It has nothing to do with who you are today or where you are going in the future.


The truth is that you are smart, capable and talented. You have something special that no one else has. You have been given a dream for a reason — because it is possible.


Stop second guessing yourself.



Feel the doubt and do it anyway.


Confidence is magnetic. It draws people to you. It makes things happen for you. Studies show that confidence is equally as important competence. We can know everything, be the best and still get passed over.   When we are confident, what we touch turns to gold.


Act with confidence even if you don’t feel like it.   Acting “AS IF” will trick your mind and soon you will start to feel confident.


In other words, don’t wait to “feel like it” before you act. Act first and the feeling will come.


You can create a confident state of mind in an instant. Remember a time when you were on top of your game? See it. Feel it and Go there. This is who you are at your core, without limiting thoughts. You can access that feeling anytime by recalling that memory vividly.


When you take action, you won’t always succeed. Sometimes you will fall flat on your face. When this happens, just get up, dust yourself off and keep moving. Failure is a necessary part of success.


It’s time to be magnetic and bold.


You hold the key that unlocks the door to everything you want.   All you have to do is get into action and unleash the magnetic confidence that is already inside you.


Hurry! Your life waiting for you!!

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